| 1. | Follow - up report on relief aid for hurricane mitch victims 赈济米契飓风灾民后续报导 |
| 2. | Helping the disaster victims of severe hurricane mitch 援助米契强烈飓风灾民 |
| 3. | Hurricane mitch disaster relief in honduras and nicaragua 援助宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜米契飓风灾民收支表 |
| 4. | 99 love in action follow - up report on relief aid for hurricane mitch victims 99把爱付诸行动援助米契飓风灾民后续报导 |
| 5. | Proof of relief expenditures for hurricane mitch victims in honduras and nicaragua continued from last issue 援助宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜米契飓风灾民支出证明续上期 |
| 6. | With great surprise we saw that some days later , hurricane mitch caused its greatest damage in honduras and nicaragua 令我们非常惊讶的是,几天之后,米契飓风在宏都拉斯和尼加拉瓜造成极大的灾害。 |
| 7. | Hurricane mitch led to a severe flood disaster in darien and chiriqui provinces . some roads and bridges collapsed and residents houses and schools were damaged 契飓风导致达利恩和奇利基两省遭受严重水患,路和桥梁倒塌,住家及学校毁损。 |
| 8. | We wholeheartedly hope that the disaster victims of honduras and its neighboring countries will grow stronger through this mishap and the essence of their life will flourish ! appendix : hurricane mitch disaster relief in honduras and 我们深深祝福,宏都拉斯及其它邻国受灾的灾民,能在此灾劫中?炼得更坚强,活出更璀璨的生命精华! |
| 9. | As master s disciples , it would be good to reflect upon the arrival of hurricane mitch to my country since it caused great tragedy , pain , and destruction . i was particularly affected also by the hurricane , since i had a business in one of the zones of the capital most strongly affected . i deeply thanked god and my master when i thought about the serious damage that other beings had suffered , considering mine to be infinitesimally small in comparison to what happened to thousands and thousands of people 身为师父的徒弟,对这次米契飓风来到我们的国家所造成的许多悲剧哀痛与破坏,我也做了一些反省:我本身也遭到损失,因为我的店面就在首都最严重的受灾区,然而感激上帝和我的师父,我想到其它成千上万的人所遭受的巨大痛苦,和他们比较起来,我的损失实在微不足道。 |
| 10. | Powerful hurricane mitch created a flood disaster and a mud - rock slides , from which many caused were seriously injuried and or died , with hundreds and thousands of people being left homeless in several countries in central america . the disaster in honduras and nicaragua was the most severe . many villages in honduras disappeared and the country s farmers suffered serious crop losses 烈飓风米契引发洪患及土石流,造成中美洲几个国家死伤惨重,数十万人无家可归,宏都拉斯及尼加拉瓜灾情最为严重,尤其宏都拉斯有许多村庄都已从地图上消失,农作物也严重受损。 |